ARCH 653 Project 1

Building Information Building Name: Kolumba, art museum (former St. Kolumba church) Location: Germany Architect: Peter Zumthor Image 1: Kolumba Builbing Project Video Building Mass: The building mass was created by using solids and voids. It was difficult to control void using parameter. I wanted the profile of the roof to remain the same. So I created one equation for each height to maintain the overall profile of the roof and sure the height does not go beyond a certain point. H1= if(height_increase_1 > 0', height_increase_1 + height, height) Envelope Pattern: The original building had perforated bricks. I faced a lot of issues with perforated brick pattern because it overloads Revit. I was unsuccessful to load that pattern my building. So, I changed the street facing façade of the building. I started with a 4-point adaptive circle to create the hole in my pattern. Image 2: Adaptive 4 Point Circle Then I made the pattern that has H...