ARCH 653 Final Project - Uttamasha Monjoree


ARCH 653 Project 2

Building Information

Presidio Modelo, Cuba

Former Prison, Present Museum

Image 1: Presidio Modelo


Parametric Façade:

I created a parametric façade that changes the size of the openings according to the sun’s location.

At first, I created a parametric adaptive panel family with a rectangular parametric opening in Revit without using Dynamo.



Image 2: Adaptive Panel

I chose an element from the mass model to apply the adaptive panel. I used LunchBox package in Dynamo to divide and apply the panel. I created the surface normal for each segment face of the mass. I imported the adaptive component in project file to add it to Dynamo. I used Sun Setting to get the sun angle. I mapped the parametric value of the panel according to the sun angle. The panel works for South side of the building.

Image 3: Visual Program for Adaptive Panel that Changes With Sun Location

Parametric Roof Truss:

The parametric roof truss can change according to the building floor radius. It also has truss division and height as parameters.

Image 4: Parametric Truss

Parametric Truss Structure

The truss was created by drawing the base circle. The circle was divided into six parts. Then I joined the opposite end points of line segments through the top point to create three arcs. The three arcs, the base circle, and the circle located in the middle were then used to create the main structure.

Image 4: Dynamo Program for the whole Parametric Truss Structure


Parametric Truss Component

Each truss component was created by dividing each line. Then I transfer each line in Z-axis. I joined the start point of each line segment of both lines to create the vertices.  I joined the start point of each line segment of one line with end point of each line segment of another line to create the diagonals. Then I applied steel cross section on every line.


Image 5: Basic Visualization for Parametric Truss Component


Image 6: Dynamo Program for Parametric Truss Component


Final version

Image 7: Dynamo Program for Parametric Truss


G.M. Herbst - Digital Architectural Modeling (Director). (2020, November 4). Dynamo—Parametric Solar Facade.

Presidio Modelo. (2023). In Wikipedia.

Structured Parametrics (Director). (2019, December 2). Tutorial: Simple Parametric truss in Revit with Dynamo.


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